Better Together:
Let’s Work.

We R Dreaming Together

WERBT’s long-term goal is to open a café, ice cream shop or bakery that is staffed by adults with ID/D. The meaningful employment opportunities this business will create is only the start.


Open the business by 2028. 

Two cappuccinos and another drink

Inclusion is easy! It only takes a short amount of time for people to realize they are more the same than they are different! With that realization comes rewards and happiness that are new and valuable, for everyone!

We are looking for volunteers with small business startup experience and/or connections within the café and baking world to work with us establish our own, WERBT, employment opportunities!

More importantly, this inclusive place of gathering will inform and connect members of the “typical” community to have meaningful and respectful social experiences with their peers with ID/D. Further, our hope is that this employment experience will empower those with ID/D to carry their acquired skills to new employment opportunities that materialize for them over time!