Better Together:
Let’s Serve Our Community.

We R Volunteering Together

WERBT believes in the power of inclusive and meaningful community service. We identify, plan and execute community service activities that partner adults with ID/D and their “typical” peers. These activities benefit the community, and everyone involved!


Each year, host one or more Community Service Together activities for at least 20 adults with ID/D and their “typical” peers.

The vegetable and flower patch in bloom

“Gardening can be hard work, but it is rewarding when you work with friends to help others who need food!”

As part of our vegetable gardening program, we are excited to be donating produce to the Ardmore Food Pantry. We can't wait to share some broccoli, kale, bok spinach, of course. Tomatoes and more!

These activities also provide work skill-type experiences for the adults with ID/D. In addition, they demonstrate the incredible value that adults with ID/D bring to the broader community.